Access to the store.

You can access our catalogue from any page of this website through the "Online Shop" access located in the top right menu. Once inside the catalogue, you can access each of the brands and formats through the menus located on the left of the catalogue, below the login.

To speed up the purchase process, we recommend that you register as a user by filling out the registration form, or by filling in the password along with your details on your first purchase.


All the products we offer in our catalogue have a price marked with VAT of 10% included. The price is always located below the photograph of the product, and corresponds to the minimum order established for that product. If applicable, the unit price and the minimum order price will be displayed.

Minimum Order.

You can view the minimum order quantity under the brand name of each of the products. (Example: Bottle Peña de Baena, 1 box with 6 bottles of 500 ml.)


The availability of our items will be displayed when accessing the product. Also, if you decide to delve into the details, there is an availability section for each of them.

Product Information.

It is possible to access the details of each one by clicking on the image of the same. In the detail of each product, we will show you a brief description of it, as well as its varieties and the summary tasting note.

Add products to the cart.

You can add products directly to the cart from the cart icon located in the top right corner of the page. Likewise, if you have decided to enter to view the details, you have an "add to cart" button along with a counter that allows you to modify the units.

Confirm an Order.

To confirm an order, you will need to click on the basket located in the top right corner of the catalog and follow two simple steps:

  • Step 1. From this page you will be able to view, modify or delete the articles added in the summary box. If you have a username, enter it to speed up the entry of personal data. If not, fill in your billing details and enter a password if you want to speed up future checkout processes. Required data is marked with an asterisk. Once you have completed this information, and the legal notice has been confirmed, click on the continue button.
  • Step 2. The above summary table appears first here after the shipping costs have been calculated (see shipping conditions). In this step, you will be able to add a sender and a note to the receiver, you will be able to decide if you want to receive an invoice, and enter a discount code if you have one. Finally, you can choose any of the three payment methods that we put at your disposal: Bank Card, Transfer or PayPal.

Payment confirmed.

Once payment for your order has been confirmed, you will receive a confirmation email with your order number. We will begin the preparation and dispatch of it, and we will inform you when it has been issued.


Please see our return policy

Product added to wishlist

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