Broad beans with scallops, green asparagus and Iberian ham

- Categories : Daily recipes , Recipes
  • 40 min
  • Easy
  • 4 people
  • 3,5€/people
  • 180 Kcal/100g


  • 350 grams of Baby Broad Beans.
  • 150 grams of chopped onion.
  • 125 grams of diced green asparagus.
  • 8 Scallop units.
  • 40 grams of diced Iberian ham.
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO) Peña de Baena.
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Broad beans with scallops, green asparagus and Iberian ham

Changes are good if we make a traditional dish a perfect combination of "sea and mountain". The mixture between Baby Broad Beans, green asparagus and scallops is excellent, which together with the Peña de Baena Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Iberian ham, we obtain a well-known dish in a very original way and with a special touch.

  1. Sauté the onion in EVOO PEÑA DE BAENA until golden brown.
  2. Add the asparagus and let it stay "al dente".
  3. To finish, we add the scallops previously browned in EVOO PEÑA DE BAENA.
  4. Serve in a deep dish with the scallops on top and pour the diced Iberian ham on top at the last minute, so that its fat melts due to the effect of the heat, but does not exceed the taste of saltiness.

Recipe prepared by Puerta Sevilla, Taberna Restaurante Córdoba.

We made this recipe in 4h 30 min. How was it calculated?

15 min. for cooking, 20 min. for photo editing, 1 h. for layout, writing, organisation and publication on our website and social networks. All this without counting the time for research and communication with the restaurant. Enjoy it and leave your comments..

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