Artichokes a la Montillana with Iberian slices

  • 40 min
  • Stocking
  • 4 pers
  • 2,5€/pers
  • 150 Kcal/100g

Sabayon Ingredients

  • Egg yolk 200 g
  • Reduced white wine 200 ml
  • Chopped dill 2g
  • Butter 50 g
  • Salt 1 pinch

Ingredients Artichokes

  • Artichoke hearts 8 units
  • EVOO Peña de Baena 50 ml
  • Amontillado wine 100 ml
  • Slices of Iberian ham 100 g
  • Bird demi glace 100 g
  • Cumin 1 pinch
  • Garlic 2 units
To the elaboration

Also try: Broad beans with scallops, green asparagus and Iberian ham · Artichokes in Extra Virgin Olive Oil · Fava beans with ham and scrambled fried eggs

Immerse yourself in a unique gastronomic experience with our recipe for Artichokes a la Montillana with Iberian Flakes. Discover the perfect balance between the freshness of artichokes and the exquisiteness of Iberian ham, in a combination that will delight your palate. Explore the culinary art with our step-by-step guide and enjoy unmatched flavors!

Artichokes a la Montillana with Iberian slices

How to make Sabayon

  1. Melt the butter and add Peña de Baena and the chopped shallot, once poached add the wine and let reduce.
  2. Add to the yolks little by little until they whip as if it were a mayonnaise, finally add the dill and a little salt to taste.

How to make the Artichokes 

  1. Take the fresh artichokes and peel them, leaving the central part or heart, and cook them in water with a little salt and parsley. When they are soft, set aside. We will know that they are when we prick them with a small knife and they are soft but a little whole, they should not be too cooked. If not, in the next step they will fall apart and break.
  2. In a frying pan put Peña de Baena and chopped garlic, let brown, when they are ready add the artichokes that we had reserved.
  3. Add chopped ham and sauté, just after add the wine, let it reduce, add the cumin and demi glace, let it cook for a minute and serve on the dill sabayon placing the slices of ham on the artichokes.

Enjoy your meal!

Now that you have prepared these Montillana Artichokes with Iberian Flakes, enjoy every bite and share this delicious dish with those who appreciate good cuisine. We hope this recipe has added a special touch to your culinary moments! If you liked it, don't hesitate to explore more recipes in our recipe book.

This recipe has been prepared by La Casa de Manolete Bistro in Cordoba.

We have worked a total of 2 hours so that you can enjoy this recipe. How has it been calculated?

40 min. for cooking, 15 min. for photo editing, 1 h. for layout, writing, organization and publication both on our website and on social networks. All this without counting the time of research and communication with the restaurant. Enjoy it and leave your comments.

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