Goat with Ajopastor

- Categories : Recipes , Special Occasions
  • 40 min
  • Easy
  • 4 people
  • 3€/people
  • 90 Kcal/100g


  • 1/2 goat chopped.
  • 8 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil Peña de Baena.
  • 1/2 head of garlic.
  • 1 glass of Montilla-Moriles wine.
  • U1 sprig of parsley.
  • Water.
  • 3 tablespoons raw almonds.
  • 1 slice of bread.
  • Salt and pepper.
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Goat with Ajopastor

  1. Season the pieces of goat with salt and pepper.
  2. Put extra virgin olive oil Peña de Baena in a bowl and add the garlic cut in half. When they are golden, take out and set aside.
  3. In the same oil, dizzy the meat by turning until it changes color and the juice it releases is completely reduced.
  4. Make a mash with the fried garlic and parsley. Dissolve with a glass of wine and add to the bowl.
  5. Bring to a simmer. When the wine has evaporated, add enough water to cover it and boil until tender. It will take about an hour.
  6. Make a mash with peeled almonds and a little white bread crumb with water.
  7. Add this mash to the pot and stir for a few minutes. It should be left with plenty of sauce.
  8. Serve with French fries or steamed vegetables.
  9. The same preparation can be made with suckling lamb.

Recipe from the book El recetario de Baena. The traditional olive oil cuisine of María Victoria Ruiz de Prado. ISBN: 978-84-616-4514-5

We made this recipe in 4h 30 min. How was it calculated?

15 min. for cooking, 20 min. for photo editing, 1 h. for layout, writing, organisation and publication on our website and social networks. All this without counting the time for research and communication with the restaurant. Enjoy it and leave your comments..

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