Mushrooms with Egg, Truffle and Foie gras

- Categories : Recipes , Special Occasions
  • 40 min
  • Medium
  • 4 people
  • 2,5€/people
  • 70 Kcal/100g


  • 350 grams of mushroom mix (Boletus, Thistle, Senderuela, etc.).
  • 150 grams of finely chopped onion.
  • Poached egg.
  • Black truffle.
  • Fresh foie gras schnitzel.
  • EVOO Peña de Baena.
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Mushrooms with Egg, Truffle and Foie gras

Important dates are approaching and this recipe is ideal to cook for your guests at home, it is a scrambled egg with excellent ingredients that in combination form a wonderful whole. As a base, it is important to cook with a good Extra Virgin Olive Oil Peña de Baena. It is important, as a trick to make the egg, to store them with a piece of fresh black truffle of about 15 grams a few days before and grate or slice truffle on top at the time of serving.

  1. Cook the onion in EVOO first PEÑA DE BAENA so that it is slightly brown.
  2. Add the mushrooms and leave over medium heat until cooked (approx. 20 min).
  3. Place in a deep dish, add the poached egg.
  4. And a foie gras schnitzel that we will first put to brown on a griddle or frying pan.
  5. And to top it off, grate a few slices of black truffle above all.
  6. To finish, season with Maldon Salt.

Recipe prepared by Puerta Sevilla, Taberna Restaurante Córdoba.

We made this recipe in 4h 30 min. How was it calculated?

15 min. for cooking, 20 min. for photo editing, 1 h. for layout, writing, organisation and publication on our website and social networks. All this without counting the time for research and communication with the restaurant. Enjoy it and leave your comments..

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