Galician Octopus, Paprika Clay from La Vera, Pepper and Potato Mayonnaise

- Categories : Recipes , Special Occasions
  • 1 h
  • Medium
  • 4 people
  • 3€/people
  • 150 Kcal/100g


  • 1 Cooked Octopus Leg.
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil Peña de Baena.
  • 100 gr of bread.
  • 10 gr paprika from La Vera.
  • 1/2 yellow bell pepper.
  • 1/2 red bell pepper.
  • Salt.
  • Boiled potato.
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Galician Octopus, Paprika Clay from La Vera, Pepper and Potato Mayonnaise

By combining a good raw material such as octopus from Galicia, paprika from La Vera and our Peña de BaenaExtra Virgin Olive Oil, which due to its softness and light touches of nuts make it an excellent condiment for this dish, we achieve a simple and exquisite dish that, if we also accompany it with pepper mayonnaise, based on Extra Virgin Olive Oil Peña de Baena, we take it to another level.

For the paprika de la Vera clay:

  1. Shred the bread and add the paprika with a drizzle of Extra Virgin Olive Oil Peña de Baena.
  2. The result is baked for 5 minutes at 160ºC.
  3. Allow to dry at room temperature.

For the pepper mayonnaise:

  1. Confit the peppers in Extra Virgin Olive Oil Peña de Baena until tender.
  2. Drain and whip with the same oil until you get a mayonnaise texture.
  3. Season to taste.

For the assembly of the chainring:

  1. Grill the octopus until golden brown.
  2. Place a little soil on the plate.
  3. Place the octopus leg on top.
  4. Serve with a few dashes of mayonnaise and some boiled potatoes.
  5. Finish with a drizzle of Extra Virgin Olive Oil Peña de Baena.

El Churrasco Restaurant Recipe

We made this recipe in 4h 30 min. How was it calculated?

15 min. for cooking, 20 min. for photo editing, 1 h. for layout, writing, organisation and publication on our website and social networks. All this without counting the time for research and communication with the restaurant. Enjoy it and leave your comments..

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