Ratatouille with free-range fried egg

- Categories : Daily recipes , Recipes
  • 1 h
  • Easy
  • 4 people
  • 2€/people
  • 275 Kcal/100g


  • 50 grams of eggplant.
  • 50 grams of zucchini.
  • 50 grams of carrot.
  • 50 grams of green pepper.
  • 50 grams of red pepper.
  • 50 grams of onion.
  • 200 grams of tomato.
  • 30 ml Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO) Peña de Baena.
  • Salt.
  • c/s Sugar (if required).
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Ratatouille with free-range fried egg

A delicious dish that is very traditional and excellent due to its great nutritional contribution and its low calorie content and if we add a fried egg from free-range hens made with Peña de Baenaextra virgin olive oil, we will get an exceptional and exquisite plate of ratatouille with free-range fried egg to give color to the beginning of spring. Follow the recipe of Peña de Baena and you will be able to make a most traditional dish with country flavors.

  1. Wash, clean, and cut the vegetables into 2x1 cm thick cubes.
  2. Fry each of the vegetables separately in the Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO) Peña de Baena in a suitable container.
  3. Drain on a perforated tray and set aside.
  4. Mix the previous frying with the fresh tomato, adding salt and sugar if necessary.
  5. Serve the ratatouille.

Recipe prepared by Restaurante Ermita de la Candelaria, Córdoba.

We made this recipe in 4h 30 min. How was it calculated?

15 min. for cooking, 20 min. for photo editing, 1 h. for layout, writing, organisation and publication on our website and social networks. All this without counting the time for research and communication with the restaurant. Enjoy it and leave your comments..

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